Saturday, January 14, 2006

We Shall Fight in the Shade

Quote of the moment:
ω ξειν', αγγελλειν Λακεδαιμονιοις οτι τηδε
κειμεθα τοις κεινων ρημασι πειθομενοι.

(Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
that here, obedient to their laws, we lie.)

- Epitaph on the monument to Leonidas and his 300 Spartans.

Got a text this evening asking if I wanted to row at 9.45 tomorrow morning. But of course!

In other news, the Emperor books by Conn Iggulden are far too good to be allowed near me during revision time. Oops. I've still probably done more now than this time a year ago, but it's tricky to compare those 3 A-level maths modules to the 4 uni ones I'm about to take. One of them covers all of P1 to P3, for example.


prillopie said...

Oh do shut up. It's only pure maths:P

prillopie said...

[goes back and reads own blog] Wait. I just couldn't do 2 x 4 x 10.. So I can't speak.

Will said...

You couldn't even get the numbers right :p

What you should actually do is 52 x 2, which would be £104 more for the year.

As I understand it, you normally have to get a contract for a year, not just the 10 months you really want to be there.

prillopie said...

Ha. That's where you're wrong. Contracts here vary from 9 months to 12 months. So shush.

Will said...

Yeah, well, rents here are all £40 or £50 something pounds. No shootings either :p

I'm aware that shorter ones are available, but the more in demand the house is the more likely you'll have to take the full year rent, surely...

prillopie said...

Hmm. Dunno. The one above the sweet shop is beginning of Sept to end of June, which sounds pretty good to me. Y'know, it's all Prince William's fault that St Andwoos rent is so expensive now. Bloody hell.

Are there shootings in Nottingham? I thought that was Manchester?

prillopie said...
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Will said...


Ah well. Bah. I haven't even been looking, personally, I only know what it says in the uni/union issued guidebook.

Koel said...

DUDE. how did you write in greek? did you cut n paste it from word?

w00t, i get some of it :D

thats weird... the last word, peithomenoi, is from the verb to persuade, wheres that...

*goes to think and find a book*

OH... the omenoi is a passive participle, giving the literal meaning "being persuaded by", ie. obedient to... W00T.

Apolgies for the geekery... mmm... greek. It's so delicious.

Anyway, it's an ossum epitaph. I'm sure it would be all the more significant if i had any clue who Leonidas is/was. What, read the article you say? meh. I hungry, hear me roar.

Will said...

Should have watched Bethany Hughes' The Spartans. Was ossum. So much hotter than Schama too :D

Correction: It's P1 to parts of P4 and P5, according to Claire, who was a geek and did further maths. Shame on her.

Will said...

Oh, and the greek was in the article, but with accents, so I had to replace the accented characters with the normal ones (via word) so that they'd show up instead of little boxes :D