Sunday, March 28, 2004


It is now 18.37 in BST (of which more later) and there are less than 17 hours until my sister is let loose on the roads: You have been warned!

Hmmm... not a lot to say really: my dear sister has insisted on me setting up a blog for her, so please read and ridicule it: any negative comments you wish to make, I will happily publish them :D I'm assuming there won't be any positive ones... mwahahaha...

A small realisation concerning the timing thing which I made a while ago, and have forgotten to mention: I was changing the time on each post to BST, but gave it up because (A) it was too much effort and also (B) the post is actually then published at this time in the US - though I don't know if it's East or West coast time... but anyway this has the serious disadvantage of not being there when I view my blog after publishing - the cause of the confusion 'way back when'... (8 days ago to be precise :D)

Other than that: Hope you like the new colour scheme - not fully implemented yet, but it hopefully will be soon...

That's about it! I shall leave you with a quote, although I probably won't remember to make a habit of it...

"Party on Wayne!"
"Party on Garth!"
"Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent!"

Friday, March 26, 2004


I have some corrections to make, on the advice of my knowledgable associate Rob, who wished me to make it clear wtf I was talking about, and also pointed out that he resented my estimate of my readership... so, readership: I apologise to you all, excluding Koel of course, to whom I merely say: SNK. SNK. SNK.

For those of you who don't get that, I direct you to the Terry Pratchett link I will one day get around to putting on this page... if you're VERY good children, and go to bed when told. :p

Back to (reality?) the point: what I meant in my last missive was:

I have been whining about petty crap. For those who might find this annoying and even offensive given the current goings on in the world today, and particularly the health of another associate of mine - of which you will find details in the place specified - I don't actually take myself seriously, and it was all for comic effect, because (A) irreverent (which I spelt wrong before) sarcasm is my 'thang' and (B) if you want bitter realism, read Pril, and if you want righteous ranting, read Koel. And I couldn't do it better than them...

Anyway: "To thine own self be true" as Josh's girlfriend says in Clueless...

So I shall continue in my absurd ramblings, having vaguely exorcised my guilt trip...

By the way: to any of the readership expecting more film quoting than produced thus far (sum total 1 - see above) I also apologise. I fear you have been mislead by Koel's link... but I shall no doubt spew forth a whole lot more in the near future, here at Quotes-R-Us, Black Notley's premier source of useless information and trivia...

And now, to play us out, a special preview just for you, taken once again from that awesome movie, Clueless(Not a chickflick - a way of life):

Cher - "I want to do something good for humanity."
Josh - "How about sterilisation?"

Thank you, and goodnight...

Parents 3: The Revenge

Hello all, and welcome back (all one of you - thanks for reading Koel :D)

Update on the parent situation: all I can say is "DAMN YOU WEE BULL. YOU WIN THIS TIME!"... That's right, they won... While I was plotting their downfall in a suitably cunning way, they sent in the permission slip with a big NO on it... God damn them...

Anyway: I would now like to issue an apology to those who may think I am being irrereverant and irrelevant - as usual - but particularly at the moment, what with all the serious shizzle goin' down in my hood... (See Prill's epic romance for details - have tissues to hand - I kid thee not...) I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just not the sort of person to be serious! As for the persons involved, I would like to express at this point my sympathy and accompanying wassname... and that was me doing so - I tried to phrase it nicely but it all came out too twee, so you know who you are and that's your lot!

In other news: my sister has her first driving lesson at 10.30 tomorrow... STAY OFF THE ROADS! YOU WON'T BE SAFE!

And she's dragging me off to be her taxi driver right now, so ciao...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Parents 2: The Return

Today I am returning to the topic of parents, specifically mine, once again...

Having considered the problem in detail, I have come to the conclusion that the problem is this:

My parents are TOO REASONABLE. They aren't all-controlling, they accept that music audible through the door is ok, they let me do pretty much whatever I want because for some obscure reason they think I'm trustworthy... Sadly, I don't manage to get up to much to damage this preconception... And here lies the problem: how can I rebel and argue with them if they're reasonable all the time?! A combination of 'liberal' parents and an only mildly rebellious teenager means there is little chance for conflict.

THIS IS ANNOYING. I'm left having to resent them for making a justified decision which they believe is in my interest, because they don't ever give me anything else to resent them for! They've even (finally) realised that in arguments/disputes/microcosmical wars with my sisters, I'm not always to blame despite not being the one to scream first... (funny that...) Why don't they realise that in order for a teenager to feel fulfilled and suitably unhealthy, they must have a steady diet of confrontation... otherwise all that potential angst gets wasted!

I am forced to conclude, in fact, that they are highly cunning... being so accepting of any antisocial or rebellious actions (theoretical tattoos/piercings etc) obviously takes the fun out of it... But here I triumph: I shall resent them for not giving me anything to resent them for! And now I shall go and enjoy a mildly alcoholic beverage, eat normal, healthy food (though not so as to be "HEALTH FOOD" - soya pap that it is) and probably converse in a normal manner with the aforementioned parents. I just hope they wont be so annoyingly cunning as to ignore my resentful frown...

And smug grin, of course. :D

Monday, March 22, 2004


Will's topic of the day: PARENTS.

(n.b. no guarentees I'll stick to it :D)

In particular, parents with kids aged 18 or over who still try to control them as if they were, for example, 12...

Having reached the age where one is encouraged to talk to a teacher as a more knowledgable equal from whom one can gain, where one can vote, drink, smoke, drive, shag, and all the rest of it, why is it that parents seem to think they have the perogative and there is no need for negotiation? Why do they not realise that there is a relationship: You give me money, food, clothes etc etc, and I give you (hopefully) pride, satisfaction, someone to beat at scrabble, someone to find your false teeth and take you on outings from the retirement home... If you want a pet, get a pet. Not a child. A pet is always something to take daft photos of, coo over, and order around... A child starts off like this, then becomes gradually more competent, more informed and often, especially as age takes its toll, more intelligent than said adult. And more importantly, FAR more stubborn.

As you, dear reader, should be well aware by now, I had a disagreement with my 'rents in which they refused to argue or debate, but made an autocratic declaration.

Fortunately, as I already mentioned, I have the upper hand in the stubborness stakes. Therefore I will triumph in the end, and do exactly what I want... after all, isnt that what being a teenager is all about?! :p

(P.S. If you thought you'd find out what the case in point was, tough. I don't want you to know... you might think I was being unreasonable :D)

Sunday, March 21, 2004


I'm going a little insane... Last - and the first - time I used this blogger thang, it didn't publish... but now, thankfully, it does! Strange... but never mind!

Anyway, I don't really have much to say, I was only really checking if it worked... (Obviously this is re-edited). Another niggle: the clock is on american time, and also takes the time one starts to write, whereas since I write over the course of maybe an hour, whilst playing iSketch and other important things, automatically adding it at the end (pushing for GMT would be too much, I know) might be advantageous... but that is admittedly an irrelevant point, and as you may have guessed, just an excuse to bulk out my entry a bit... :D

Anything else I should ramble about? Oh yes: this tome of wisdom will one day be transferred to my website I hope, when said website is actually up and running... that is, the website I shall make rather than the bizarre little conncoction that is my second personal one to date... If you reeeeeeeeeally want to, you can check it out at ... (It should be obvious from the domain name why I wish to abandon it in the past and not update it... the first page, as you probably weren't wondering, was never even published to the web... it was a masterly creation(for a 10-year old) and was mostly dedicated to Warhammer, a vaguely Middle Earth style war-game(that is, one where you spend pointless hours painting little models then roll dice to 'make them fight'...) but such are the fascinations of childhood...).

Wow... Not only did I demonstrate my powers of waffle and of overusing brackets, but also managed to wax lyrical about something I'd rather forget... "How rare!"

Anyway, this should give you a flavour of what is to come, should you have mistakenly wandered onto this page in a future in which I have remembered to continue updating it...

Ah, the parallel universes(futures) theory, think you (if you read 'Discworld' or watched 'Sliders' that is...)

Speaking of which, A: I should put some links on here, including ones to Discworld sites, and B: what happened to Sliders? Does anyone else remember it? I can't remember the name of the lead guy, but he was the boyfriend in Scream 2! (Useless film trivia: another key feature of my possible future postings...) Also it had John Rhys-Davies as the avuncular figure... for those who don't recognise the name, you'd probably recognise the face as Gimli from the Lord of the Rings trilogy... And to save myself from having to explain Sliders, I'll direct anyone who doesn't know or would like to remind themselves of it to: (I note from the title that the hosts have good taste in poetry :D)

One last point... While checking my Yahoo mail I noticed at the top of the page an advert for the US Air Force Reserve... that's right, you too can sign up to draft dodger central, which kept George Bush home safe in Texas during the Vietnam War... Other notable achievements to date: while in Afghanistan they bombed the Canadians, and in Iraq they bombed a British convoy... flying a large Union Jack... Clap, clap, clap...

Friday, March 19, 2004

In The Beginning

Hello, y'all... roll up, roll up to the greatest event of the century: the opening of the... oh, sorry folks, that's next door.

Well, anyway, moving swiftly on...

My first little observation: a quote in the Times from the neighbour of the man arrested for alledgedly making the mobile phone triggers for the Madrid bombs:

"When we have a beer together, you never hear him talk about religion."

Interesting idea, a muslim fanatic sitting down for a beer with his mates... since Islam doesn't permit drinking alcohol... Either the reporter or the police should check their facts more carefully...