Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Shut Up, Oaten

Quote of the moment:
"What would Tyler Durden do?" - a gem thrown up by the Bloggies 2006. Tyler Durden, for those who CBA to click the link and be reminded, appeared to be Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club.

One of the less amusing posts in turn produced this shocker:

According to Prill this image does not appear. If that is the case for you, imagine Avril Lavigne gone anorexic and bottle blonde. Podgy, cry your heart out for the under represented female teen masses who have lost their mass-marketed record company slave of an icon.

Avril Lavigne looking like an actress in the Sienna Miller mould, not a girly-rock singer. How rare!

Amusing things that happened today, number one: Claire, having ducked out of joining me at the gym on Saturday because she was hungover, missed her second on-demand gym session - because she went to the wrong gym. Genius!

Amusing things that happened today, number two: being called "Mark Oaten" became a general term of abuse. Hopefully it will make the next revision of the Oxford English Dictionary.


prillopie said...

Daymn. She's HOT.

Will said...

In that case, my life's mission is achieved. I'll go find a laurel bush to rest on.

prillopie said...

The image comes and goes. I've seen it ONCE on your page. Why doesn't it work? I don't understand..:S

Will said...

Indeed. I rule.