Saturday, February 19, 2005

Marsh Harrier

Quote of the moment:
"Ladies and gentlemen, would you please give it up for a band whose records you should never throw at zombies: New Order!" - Simon Pegg, NME Awards.

I forgot the major point of interest from Thursday, when I was too busy working on my Army application form to blog. Damn women... because of them, there's now a section on it about 'difficulties overcome', 'emotions experienced' and other such crap. Does "upper lip felt stiff" count as an emotion?!

Anyway, to the point: For the second time this week I saw a bird of prey wheeling above the field outside our house, and this time it settled in a tree near enough to make out the colouring. I dusted off the family copy of Birds of Britain and worked out that it's a Marsh Harrier:

How cool! :D

1 comment:

Will said...


I DO have a very zoomed in photo of the hawk sitting on a branch about 50m away. You can just about make out that it's a bird :P