Saturday, February 05, 2005

Antedeluvial Porcupines

Quote of the moment:
"Sorry. I seem to have done toilet on your floor!" - The old classics, eh? That takes me back to the good old days of yore, when we were young, before Old Man Hoult was crippled parachuting onto a porcupine...

Ahem. Is Will delusional? If you asked me on a Monday, I'd say...

BBC newsreader: We go now to our political editor, Andrew Marr. Andrew, it seems the current political blah blah blah...
Andrew Marr: Yeah I know.

Apparently it was a passably good impression, as well. Congratulations are due!

In the small but horribly deformed world of Will, there has been little of note, other than that I finally submitted my Camp America online form last night. I then found that because I'd taken so long to decide whether I wanted to attend the Saturday fair or the Sunday fair (some Camp directors only attend one), the Saturday option had already disappeared from the options. Damnation, I cried! Well, something similar in the modern vernacular. This was because I had found that all but one of the decent camps that are only available on one day, are on Saturday. Fortunately I phoned this morning and was told to just turn up anyway, as it was only to give a rough indication of numbers, since many people apply by paper form which they bring with them on the day, and they don't have to tell anyone beforehand.

That means I might be able to get placed at Camp Canadensis - the best of the bunch, according to what I've gathered so far. Partly because they do my stuff (Hiking, overnight camping, campfire cookery etc) partly because the website is extremely detailed, and partly because the one-offs look awesome. For example, the 'Color War' where the camp is divided into blue and gold teams, and they compete in everything from tug-of-war through swimming to quizzes, and the 'Revolutionary War day' (4th July, Independance Day), when Brit bashing is de rigeur, and the camp staff dress up as the opposing sides. My Union Jack would be coming with me, methinks :D

I also managed to pick up my reference from Mr Christmas from school, the one from Mr Gwyther having arrived this morning. Mr Gwyther's was in an envelope within the postage envelope, and the inner one was unsealed. I obviously therefore had a peek! It was very complimentary (:D), but made me chortle over the bit which said something like: "His dedication to his extra-curricular activities was so strong as to be possibly to the detriment of his academic work." Haha... Understatement of the year!

1 comment:

prillopie said...

HAHAHA... Ace quote, and SO true as well:P

Er, talking of your Union Jack... You know you left your English cross flag - cross of St George or whoever - in Edinburgh?