Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bum Clouds!

Quote of the moment:
"But I still... haven't found... what I'm looking for..." - U2.

The job's ok, if rather boring. The machine I have to look after cuts various lengths of extruded aluminium (like Playdoh put through the awesome Playdoh Fun Factory) into specific lengths. All I have to do to keep it running is put lengths in, empty the basket of cut bits and take odd samples to check for length. Oh, and remove the first and last bits which are scrap.

Except that about an hour from the end of my shift I forgot to. Having realised after I'd stacked the box on the shelf of completed batches, I had to go back and pick over seven boxes or about 2000 parts, checking both ends for the red X put on the end before inserting it. I finished with 3 minutes to go, having failed to find it. D'oh!

1 comment:

Will said...

Pah. I am only a level two karaoke singer. I do not even have access to that vocal range.