Monday, November 21, 2005

Pave Afghanistan and Put Up a Golf Course

Quote of the moment:

What really struck me about it was the obvious ability of the person who drew it. The picture doesn't seem particularly martial, but perhaps it's by a soldier nonetheless, just showing the real main features of life there.

Blogger picture uploading. After investigation it seems to create a linked thumbnail of one of 3 set sizes on your blog with a link to the full sized picture. Handy for putting up large pictures, especially since the lagest size of thumbnail fits the width of my post column exactly. However, for some reason the ratio (normally 3:4 or 4:3) isn't kept and the thumbnails become 308x408 or vice versa. How rare!

While using my test blog to work this out, I noticed my test blogroll was showing Harry had recently updated. It was in fact the updating of his blog post by 10 new golf-related comments that triggered it. It puts the private road construction person/bot to shame! A sample:

At 9:41 AM, golf putters said...
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a taylor made golf club driver site. It pretty much covers taylor made golf club driver related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

TAILOR MADE. As in made by a TAILOR, not someone called TAYLOR.

A final and random addition to this piecemeal post: MIT proves that tinfoil helmets do the opposite of protecting you from government mind rays, as found on For once a random comment that seems to come from a human!

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