Monday, October 10, 2005

Washing Never Dries In Wales

Quote of the moment:
"Oops. Black threes don't freeze the pack, do they?" - Me, half way through a game of Canasta. I remembered everything right but that and the number of cards to deal, but I checked the latter online prior to starting. It was a worthwhile break from the predominant Rummy in a marathon 3 1/2 hour cards session, broken only by cooking bacon sarnies when hunger struck (beating spoons on my ribcage, of course).

I had my first fencing session this evening. It was meant to be in the Great Hall, but the Union double booked fencing and Babyshambles. In recompense the booking fee was converted to one free drink for everyone in the bar while a hasty meeting took place.

Soon afterwards we were on the dance floor of Solus, the union nightclub, which was amazingly sticky underfoot and rather colourfully lit. Nonetheless we had an introduction to posture, advancing, retreating, thrusting and parrying, but due to the delay never actually got the chance to done the kit and 'have-at-thou'. It was still quite entertaining and certainly more fun than Tuesday (and Thursday) night circuit training with the sadomasochists of the rowing club.

My washing is still damp anywhere with more than one layer, so my room still requires crawling, or at least pushing between the layers of nearly dry t-shirts. That calls for a change of theme:

[Cue LOTR: ROTK music from Shelob's lair, fade to black...]


prillopie said...

Wait. You don't have dryers? Or are you one of those really gay people who are like, "Oh, the dryers are so expensive, I'll just hang them in my room"?

Will said...


I'm one of those people who begged change to do the washing, and had absolutely none for the drying. Plus I had my drying rack... which barely took one load of my three. Ooops.

From now on I'm not one of those "gay people" :p