Monday, October 24, 2005

Mmmm... Rice Krispies...

Quote of the moment:
"Mmmm... Rice Krispies..."

I'm now officially labelled a Rice Krispie fanatic. I sat in the "discussion room" by the library dreaming of them and making Homer-esque "Mmmmm" noises. My own fault for not getting up fast enough to have breakfast before going to revise with Richard and a couple of other people. Didn't get to eat until 6pm. I only got up at 2.30pm, but that's still obscene, especially when I was doing pure maths for most of that time.

I couldn't remember half the stuff but I still managed to explain intergration by parts to 3 people who did it half as long ago as I did. Hurrah!

In summary, a totally dull day. Going to attempt to do some weights now, for the first time since I got here, since the bruise on my spine from falling into a radiator the second night I was here is completely gone and the niggling pain has nearly gone. I wasn't too concerned, since the same's happened at least twice with my neck and it's cleared up after a while, but it's still annoying.

This post: 2/10. Mildy informative and devoid of entertainment.

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