A Photographic Trip Synopsis
Quote of the moment:
"Are you the real Will or the twin?" - Shaun from the Westmont climbing tower, encountering me on the Broadstairs high street.
I cba to resize the photos, partly because some of them have important detail and also I'm not wasting my time on something that could still be deleted. In chronological order:

My division of campers, the Rangers.

Me making a superb block in the GaGa court.

Near the start of a chaotic division-sized GaGa game.

The baseball game (followed by fireworks) on the 4th of July.

The boys side flagpole on the 7th of July (the Union Jack is mine).

The post-evening-activity fire from my first camp-out.

The fireplace, storage hut and 2 of the 3 tents at the campsite.

My hut, with mattress and mosquito net.

The winning lower camp 'sing'.

Jared, one of the kids in my bunk, in my rucksack on packing day.

Shaun and Kirstie, the other two climbing tower staff, in NYC.

Awesome upwards shot on the Empire State Building at sunset.

My dug and dammed filling pool at a spring in Shenandoah N.P.

Me upon my return, 2 stone lighter and beard-faced.
"Are you the real Will or the twin?" - Shaun from the Westmont climbing tower, encountering me on the Broadstairs high street.
I cba to resize the photos, partly because some of them have important detail and also I'm not wasting my time on something that could still be deleted. In chronological order:

My division of campers, the Rangers.

Me making a superb block in the GaGa court.

Near the start of a chaotic division-sized GaGa game.

The baseball game (followed by fireworks) on the 4th of July.

The boys side flagpole on the 7th of July (the Union Jack is mine).

The post-evening-activity fire from my first camp-out.

The fireplace, storage hut and 2 of the 3 tents at the campsite.

My hut, with mattress and mosquito net.

The winning lower camp 'sing'.

Jared, one of the kids in my bunk, in my rucksack on packing day.

Shaun and Kirstie, the other two climbing tower staff, in NYC.

Awesome upwards shot on the Empire State Building at sunset.

My dug and dammed filling pool at a spring in Shenandoah N.P.

Me upon my return, 2 stone lighter and beard-faced.
LOL;) Will m8, you're in there.
But :O:O Will m8! You look GOOD!:D You should keep it like that. Tis good for you. No more fat belly for you!! And yes, I'm not sure about the beard.. It makes you look old:P Awwwww, but bless that pic of Jared in your backpack!!! It's soooo sweet and so like.. AWWWW!!
However I do not spot any fitties. Well, no fit fit fitties. Sigh:P How DID you survive Will m8? LOL. I s'ppose there were little kiddies around, eh?;)
*off with
Sigh. If this carries on, I shall have to use that gay spot the wobbly word thing. Bah.
Yes, I was going to steal Jared. It's true. I always wanted my own minature Duncan Spooner.
Do you also have the particularly fine muscles at the top, belly at the bottom look going, Will T m8? It's all the rage :p Which of us becomes Ben though? Kaz m8 is obviously the Little Weed...
Prill m8, I'm very offended... what you meant to say was "I do not spot any fitties except the new slimmer Will, who is t3h s3x".
HEHEHE. But I already told you you looked good! In block capitals as well. Look, "But :O:O Will m8! You look GOOD!"
LOL and anyway, you don't NEED me to tell you you R t3h s3x, you already know you are;)
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