Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Today Was... Green?

Quote of the moment:
You are worth $2,142,090.00 on The average value for a male is $1,843,349. - W00t. I'm so valuable.

I nearly had a job. Unfortunately the company who asked the agency for a temp then found someone from a different department to fill the gap, and cancelled the contract, so I got up early and shaved this morning for nothing. D'oh!

I attempted to go to the job center at Stansted Airport, but failed to find it. Impressive, eh?

As a bonus, some random joints are acting up. Both knees and the knuckles (the ones joining the fingers to the palm) on the third and fourth fingers on my left hand are aching and stiff. How handy!

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Created by naw5689 and taken 22784 times on bzoink!

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Green Day
Are you male or female:King For A Day
Describe yourself:Basket Case
How do some people feel about you:Geek Stink Breath
How do you feel about yourself:Brain Stew
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Good Riddance
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Waiting
Describe where you want to be:Welcome To Paradise
Describe what you want to be:Redundant
Describe how you live:Hitchin' A Ride
Describe how you love:Jaded
Share a few words of wisdomNice Guys Finish Last

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Green Day are so versatile!


Rob said...

I am worth $1,563,930.00

Sucks to be me. Oh well.

Rob said...

Oh well, to my blog, to see what band I used and what songs I am.

Will said...

Lol. If you compare it in money/mass terms, you're probably worth more per kg than me. Go you.

Anonymous said...

heh - I used Greenday too, and all completely different song titles - truely one of my favourite bands!


Will said...

Lol! See: Green Day ARE so versatile!

Anonymous said...

In other news, I'm worth $2,032,654.00, not quite as good as Will, but meh, can't be the best at everything!

Anonymous said...

Sorry *looks sheepish*, that was me (Emma) :$

Will said...

Lol... As I said on Rob's blog, you're worth more per kg... In your case lots more! However, it is hard to be better than me, I know. The world must live in awe of me.