Monday, November 08, 2004

Disney Top 5

Quote of the moment: "Sorry mate, no idea!" - The captain of the Portsmouth team on University Challenge, to Jeremy Paxman.

Hurrah! Met up with Jimmy and Prillo in Chelmsford this afternoon, which was most entertaining. I even managed to get birthday presents for both Jimmy (belated) and Podge (almost on time!). Go me! Only a couple behind now!

A question for everyone who had Disney cartoon films as part of their childhood: What are your Top 5 Disney films? Everything from Snow White up to Toy Story - which is borderline, since it's CGI and not traditional :P

My top 5:

  1. Robin Hood
    The whole animals thing - It's awesome! Plus Prince John is hilarious.
  2. The Sword in the Stone
    Archimedes (the owl) is my hero! Also Mad Madam Mim - like Prill?!
  3. Aladdin
    Robin Williams as the Genie.
  4. The Lion King
    Timone and Pumba - especially the "In the Jungle" singing.
  5. Beauty and the Beast
    For the awesome cutlery/pottery, and because I want to have my own castle!

Fitness Report: I'm going to sports tomorrow as well, since it's just before The Maths Challenge! Twice in one week, and physio' on Wednesday! Yikes!

[Edit 23:38 - I just went outside to look at a meteor shower, as suggested by Prillo. It was raining. Outside sucks :P]

[Edit 00:23 - New Weebl and Bob! It's awesome! "This not the sphinx! It the sphinxter!"]


t3h Kazmeister 2K said...

Err as crap as disney films are :p, I used to enjoy them....
1. The Little Mermaid
2. Toy Story
3. Lady and the Tramp
4. was Mary Poppins disney?
5. Err...can't think of any others I enjoyed coz im n00
oh ACTUALLY...Cinderella has to be a classic....coz Bambi was just homoerotic....and as for Pocahontis....(sigh)

Will said...

Oooh... contraversial: Mary Poppins was Disney, and I guess that the penguins were animated...

prillopie said...

Ummm... Leeezzz see now...

1. The Sword in the Stone
2. Lady and the Tramp
3. Sleeping Beauty
4. Umm... Having difficulty thinking of other ones... Ummmm... Ok, Robin Hood
5. The Little Mermaid

Ok, I suppose that's the list. I haven't seen loadsa them for AGES though, so... Er, yeh:P It'll have to do!!

But Will m8, you're GAY. Coz you said "Finding Nemo" can't count. HMPH. Otherwise that'd probs be like my 2nd or 3rd. How can Finding Nemo not count and Toy Story Count, eh? GRRRR:@