Quote of the moment:

Postsecret won "weblog of the year" at the 2006 bloggies. Hurrah for that. Also hurrah for the countryside. Didn't realise how much I missed it til I went on the fieldtrip last week. More on that later, when I work out how to publish pictures without the connecter lead for my camera/get back to uni where I left it.
For now (and probably most excitingly), the highlight of the week was Tuesday night, when ten of us hit the emptiness of central Shrewsbury. Apparently we got surrounded by police when we left after we were threatened by a solitary sufferer of short-man syndrome. My memory stops, however, before my videoed Travolta impressions, bluetoothed around next day, which were only eclipsed by my group-mate and (so he said the next day) drinking partner/competitor Gareth. While I was slumped on the common room floor pretending to be a starfish (again, apparently), he wandered into the canteen kitchen looking for some food. Since the only storage unlocked was the freezer he started trying to cook, then wandered off to bed leaving about 50 sausages to gently char, somehow not setting off the fire alarm. That's not all though: wearin boots out in the first place was a dodgy enough decision, but obeying the "remove boots here" sign and leaving them just inside the door of the kitchen deserves a round of applause.

Postsecret won "weblog of the year" at the 2006 bloggies. Hurrah for that. Also hurrah for the countryside. Didn't realise how much I missed it til I went on the fieldtrip last week. More on that later, when I work out how to publish pictures without the connecter lead for my camera/get back to uni where I left it.
For now (and probably most excitingly), the highlight of the week was Tuesday night, when ten of us hit the emptiness of central Shrewsbury. Apparently we got surrounded by police when we left after we were threatened by a solitary sufferer of short-man syndrome. My memory stops, however, before my videoed Travolta impressions, bluetoothed around next day, which were only eclipsed by my group-mate and (so he said the next day) drinking partner/competitor Gareth. While I was slumped on the common room floor pretending to be a starfish (again, apparently), he wandered into the canteen kitchen looking for some food. Since the only storage unlocked was the freezer he started trying to cook, then wandered off to bed leaving about 50 sausages to gently char, somehow not setting off the fire alarm. That's not all though: wearin boots out in the first place was a dodgy enough decision, but obeying the "remove boots here" sign and leaving them just inside the door of the kitchen deserves a round of applause.
MSN, why you mock me? Why? Why my laptop?!
Hah. STUFF YOU. [points at lappie] It works again. Woo! It's so weird. I don't understand it. Moody cow, eh?
*"Tango, why you mock me?..."
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