Sunday, December 05, 2004

"Goodbye, Podgy-Jean... Though I never knew you at all..."

Quote of the Moment: "Bound, bound, bound and rebound"

This is the 100th post on my blog! Hurrah! However, unlike my recent kr3w effort, I am actually going to put something useful in this post!

As reported on Friday, I got my first pay-cheque yesterday: an impressive £264.36! That's 5 weekends x 9.5 hours x £5.03 per hour, plus a bit extra for my induction morning. Most of that will have to be saved for bumming around later this year though :( No spending sprees yet!

Went to see Grease last night at school, since Sarah was in a minor role. It was quite good, though one of the pyrotechnics failed to go off, which was most disappointing :P I then proceeded to Will T's, even though Jimmy had spent the afternoon there and left only a short while before, so that I could view the Starwars efforts. Very budget, to be sure.

Today Rob, Paddy and I went to the Incredibles (again, for me) with Koel, as a kind of "Good riddance, you're off to Canada" thing. I am now, obviously, humming Green Day (:D). We then went and sat in MacDonalds while Podge had food, since she is a pie... Hehehe... Perhaps I should mention that she gave me a couple of CDR's with a selection of music that she thinks I need to be educated about, along with a rather attractive enamelled pen pot type thing (with peacocks on), and I promptly left them in the sweet shop. Oops... They were still there when I remembered at the end of the film though :D

I have 1337 pics of Rob's 1337 hair, before he has it "made suitable" for working on his dad's office over the holiday! They'll be published tomorrow hopefully, as an edit to this, because I'm currently being harassed by my mother to go to bed. RENTS! Who'd 'ave 'em?!

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