Tuesday, September 14, 2004

In Cambridge - without a lesson!

Quote of the moment: "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" - The White Rabbit

Follow the white rabbit... w00t w00t! So, here I am in Cambridge, again. I rushed up here super-mega-turbo-fast, only to find A) a crash on the A14 made most of the teachers late, and B) I don't actually have a lesson today...

This is due to me doing OCR maths, not Edexcel... I was supposed to be doing p2 and p3 with another guy, but since we're doing different exam boards with slightly different syllabuses, I'm not. Which means I get 2 hours 1-2-1 tuition a week, instead of 4 hours small group (a pair, in this case). Which is fine, but I was supposed to be having a lesson this morning, and because of that I'm not... I just have 3 hours 1-2-1 tuition on Wednesday. Super! M2 at 9am, then P2/P3 from 11 til 1... ARGH.

Considering the positive side: I now have only one day a week of commuting! :D So although I'll still need to do maths stuff for 2 more days of the week maybe, I might have a better chance of getting a half-decent job, (with Wednesdays off, obvs) which would be thuper, indeed...

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