Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm So Excited...

Quote of the moment:
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it
And I know I know I know I know I know I want you LYCRA

Wore my lovely lycra out in public for the first time, albeit under tracky b's and rowing jacket til I got to the rowing club at Llandaff. Rowed in the bodysuit and tech top (like the one pictured but with red stripes on black sleeves and body). Suprisingly snuggly warm, which only made my fingers feel colder! That's apparently what we'll be wearing to race in. When actually rowing it's ok, but the marshalling bit before we set off may apparently involve some sitting in the boat waiting and the forecast is 5 degrees colder than this evening.

On the plus side, the outing was awesome. Did some balance exercises and stuff for a while before blasting 2 lengths of the stretch of river (up and back). Was the best we've done so far and especially good given that it was only our second practice in that boat (which we'll be racing in) and last time the difference between the sets of oars mucked us right up. The race is 4 times as long as the stretch of river at Llandaff though.


prillopie said...

:O Totally off subject, my profile views have shot up to 1006! And no, I haven't been round the library computers..

Now I shall say something relevant. Umm.. Ossum? Hehe, you're in luuurrrrve with your lycra. It's so CUTE!:P

Will said...

Perhaps you've been putting up fliers?

Nothing wrong with loving the lycra :p Tis so snuggly n warm :D