Bug Off
Quote of the moment:

Ill. Shoulder may be getting better, but can't tell since all parts of body now aching at various points. Also sweats, shivers, an increasingly body-contorting spasmic cough and today's new addition, the ridiculously runny nose. Ran out of tissues and am now onto bog-roll.
Ill. Shoulder may be getting better, but can't tell since all parts of body now aching at various points. Also sweats, shivers, an increasingly body-contorting spasmic cough and today's new addition, the ridiculously runny nose. Ran out of tissues and am now onto bog-roll.
Will m8.. Did you widen your blog? It looks different! Anyhoo, me hopes you is better soon. I miss my Bejeweled partner. Drink lots of H2O + conc. Ribena, take paracetamol at regular intervals (ie, every 4hrs), make sure you're warm, and sleep, lots.
hope you feel schexy soon :)
dude, by H20 i think you mean J20
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