Quote of the moment:
"It's time to kick ass or chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum." - Duke Nukem.
Exams: wipeout, as expected. Totally flunked the pure maths module (Engineering Analysis), failed Fluid Mechanics, missed out in Mechanics by 1% (but apparently loads of people failed Mechanics and it may be moderated up) and my grade for PDP (utter waste of time politically correct module) is a fail, although I'm fairly sure it wasn't calculated correctly (at least if the weightings we were given at the start of term were correct). Only ones I've supposedly passed are Drawing/Computing and Materials Science. Next time I might try practising doing the maths questions. Always useful. Just to keep things in perspective, however:

Talking of political correctness, there was a story in the grandmaternal Telegraph yesterday about the failure of 48% of children to achieve all of 7 targets set for them. Two of the targets: being "sensitive" to others' backgrounds and cultures (cough cough POLITICALLY CORRECT BULLSHIT cough cough) and, also compulsory, being able to write a letter to Father Christmas. Being made to write a letter to a Christian saint, traditionally part of a Christian (or Xtian) religious festival, is obviously very sensitive to others' backgrounds and cultures.
Bedtime. Rowing crunch time at 10.30am tomorrow.
"It's time to kick ass or chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum." - Duke Nukem.
Exams: wipeout, as expected. Totally flunked the pure maths module (Engineering Analysis), failed Fluid Mechanics, missed out in Mechanics by 1% (but apparently loads of people failed Mechanics and it may be moderated up) and my grade for PDP (utter waste of time politically correct module) is a fail, although I'm fairly sure it wasn't calculated correctly (at least if the weightings we were given at the start of term were correct). Only ones I've supposedly passed are Drawing/Computing and Materials Science. Next time I might try practising doing the maths questions. Always useful. Just to keep things in perspective, however:

Talking of political correctness, there was a story in the grandmaternal Telegraph yesterday about the failure of 48% of children to achieve all of 7 targets set for them. Two of the targets: being "sensitive" to others' backgrounds and cultures (cough cough POLITICALLY CORRECT BULLSHIT cough cough) and, also compulsory, being able to write a letter to Father Christmas. Being made to write a letter to a Christian saint, traditionally part of a Christian (or Xtian) religious festival, is obviously very sensitive to others' backgrounds and cultures.
Bedtime. Rowing crunch time at 10.30am tomorrow.
8-) will m8. Are you exams worth anything this year? Do you get to re-sit them or does it not matter? I have no idea how it works for you guys.
I believe I shall be resitting in August... however, they aren't worth anything in the long term, we're simply supposed to pass the first year... oops...
Thinking "I only have to pass" is obviously not the best approach, however... it didn't do wonders for me, at least...
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