Weebl & Bob Geldof Strike Back
Quote of the moment:

I only had to edit Bob's head, because the first picture that came up when I put weebl+bob+pie into Google was so appropriate!
Argh. One of my ears is bleeding, probs from having too many ear plugs rammed into it in the last 3 weeks. I have 13 seperate cuts, ranging from papercut-style to a ripped out chunk from a saw blade, on just one finger. 25 on the hand. Forget America, I'll be glad just to stop working there. Shitheap it is, hmmm? 4 days left...
I only had to edit Bob's head, because the first picture that came up when I put weebl+bob+pie into Google was so appropriate!
Argh. One of my ears is bleeding, probs from having too many ear plugs rammed into it in the last 3 weeks. I have 13 seperate cuts, ranging from papercut-style to a ripped out chunk from a saw blade, on just one finger. 25 on the hand. Forget America, I'll be glad just to stop working there. Shitheap it is, hmmm? 4 days left...
Well I thought it was pretty.
itsh more than pretty... itsh vewy toight, vewy shexhual, razha like... aushtin powersh fazha....
heehee it is indeed truly awesome :) now give me some sugar... i am your neighbour...
Shake it like a polaroid picture, bob!
Wanker! I got no hands!
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