Icecream Coneheads
Quote of the moment:
"Pie is SO SO SO SOOOO Gay!" - R.I.P. Bob Wants Pie, 12th June 2005. I hope it rises from the dead. It's tinged with zombie green anyway.
I forgot to mention that when in Chelmsford on Saturday we saw various performing groups, including the Coneheads, pictured below:

How many are there really?...
They came into the opticians when I was trying on some glasses (since my old ones are knackered and falling apart) and all lined up next to me to try on a pair each, then stood around me while one of them 'took a picture' with his prop camera. If only I'd had my camera...
I have selected an MP3 player, but my dad refused to let me buy it from a shop for £99 and prowled the internet for a better deal. Eventually he ordered it from Amazon for £89 (inc. p&p), but it's due to arrive on Friday or Saturday, leaving me with plenty of time to load it up, obviously! How handy!

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It has 1GB of flash memory, which is easily enough for my needs. The (optimistic, obviously) quote was 45 CDs worth, and my music collection can easily be whittled down to less than that. The clincher, though, was that it can run for (up to) 70 hours on a single AAA battery, when the average is about 10 hours. Hurrah!
"Pie is SO SO SO SOOOO Gay!" - R.I.P. Bob Wants Pie, 12th June 2005. I hope it rises from the dead. It's tinged with zombie green anyway.
I forgot to mention that when in Chelmsford on Saturday we saw various performing groups, including the Coneheads, pictured below:
How many are there really?...
They came into the opticians when I was trying on some glasses (since my old ones are knackered and falling apart) and all lined up next to me to try on a pair each, then stood around me while one of them 'took a picture' with his prop camera. If only I'd had my camera...
I have selected an MP3 player, but my dad refused to let me buy it from a shop for £99 and prowled the internet for a better deal. Eventually he ordered it from Amazon for £89 (inc. p&p), but it's due to arrive on Friday or Saturday, leaving me with plenty of time to load it up, obviously! How handy!
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It has 1GB of flash memory, which is easily enough for my needs. The (optimistic, obviously) quote was 45 CDs worth, and my music collection can easily be whittled down to less than that. The clincher, though, was that it can run for (up to) 70 hours on a single AAA battery, when the average is about 10 hours. Hurrah!
:o Will m8, have I shown you MY funky mp3 player I want from le eBay? - Go here! T3h blue one, obviously. I DID consider pink. But I thought it might be a tad too.. Well, girly? Pink reminds me of Vicky and SJ. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just.. Yar.
Oh, and don't worry. Pie is DEFINITELY going to be back. But maybe in a different style. I dunno, I was getting a bit bored of "Bob Wants PIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Ironically, my post states, "Welcome back to 'Bob Wants PIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!'.." But it's not "Bob Wants PIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" anymore. Hmm... How rare!
"Pie is quite nice, really" doesn't have the same ring to it :p
The MP3 player looks pretty impressive though... £52 with postage, £58 with the insurance... not bad!
Bahahaha. I actually found a cheaper one, but that pic's slightly better so I gave you that link:P Cheaper by like £8! [sigh] eBay's great, innit?:D
Oh, how about "Prill needs T"? "TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA"?? HAHA.
Indeed, but I won't have access to any handy USB ports, in-car lighter sockets or British shape/voltage sockets for the summer. :p
Besides, I'm not a poor student yet, so I can still overspend on branded items. Hurrah!
"Prill needs T!"
Surely in Scotland T (as in T In The Park) means Tennents lager?
Prill wants to get bloody lagered, yah! Bloody Prill, 24 pints and still standing, yah!
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! ROFFLLLL!!! Brilliant!! But no, I don't want Tennents. Ugh.
Tennents is nice, when drunk in Scotland near to the brewery. This is in accordance with the rule I learned in the bar on my Infantry Officer's course, where the quality of the beer declines in proportion to the area of land of which the distance it has travelled is the radius :p
K, Will m8... I was merely mocking myself for buying Sony, I'm sure your impeccable taste won through...
In Essex you only get Tennents 'Chav Brew' stuff. It was the on tap lager when I went out on my officer's boozing night on CCF camp though, where it was actually called a 'Cup Of T'.
Heh, sure, you can crash on what little floorspace I have when you come to watch Rugby...
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