The Seven Kr3w Dwarves
Quote of the moment:
It just so happens that this "children's movie" has a scene where a guy gets his hands chopped off, a graphic decapitation, the wanton slaughter of children (the highlight of any movie), and the coolest scene in any space action movie starring Ewan McGregor: Anakin getting his legs chopped off as his stumps catch fire while his face melts. By the way, if you haven't seen this movie yet, don't read the previous sentence.
- I sense a disturbance in the force: Maddox on Episode III is here.
I was pondering today which kr3w members are part of the Seven Dwarves. It wasn't utterly random - I saw a pair of guys from the next door factory who looked like Grumpy and Doc.

The Seven Kr3w Dwarves:
Doc - Rob
Sneezy - Prillo
Grumpy - Jim
Happy - Jimmy
Bashful - Podgy
Dopey - Hawwy
Sleepy - Me!
If you want reasons, Rob has specs and an anti-sport belly, Prillo has an anti-dog nose, Jim rants worse than Maddox, Jimmy is glad to be alive, Podgy gets worried about everyone she meets, Hawwy famously said "ACER!" and I obviously rule in the sleeping stakes. Arguments plz kthnx.
[Edit 02:33 - I've just finished watching the double-bill finale of Desperate Housewives. Spankingly good, but highly frustrating in the loose ends left over.]
It just so happens that this "children's movie" has a scene where a guy gets his hands chopped off, a graphic decapitation, the wanton slaughter of children (the highlight of any movie), and the coolest scene in any space action movie starring Ewan McGregor: Anakin getting his legs chopped off as his stumps catch fire while his face melts. By the way, if you haven't seen this movie yet, don't read the previous sentence.
- I sense a disturbance in the force: Maddox on Episode III is here.
I was pondering today which kr3w members are part of the Seven Dwarves. It wasn't utterly random - I saw a pair of guys from the next door factory who looked like Grumpy and Doc.
The Seven Kr3w Dwarves:
Doc - Rob
Sneezy - Prillo
Grumpy - Jim
Happy - Jimmy
Bashful - Podgy
Dopey - Hawwy
Sleepy - Me!
If you want reasons, Rob has specs and an anti-sport belly, Prillo has an anti-dog nose, Jim rants worse than Maddox, Jimmy is glad to be alive, Podgy gets worried about everyone she meets, Hawwy famously said "ACER!" and I obviously rule in the sleeping stakes. Arguments plz kthnx.
[Edit 02:33 - I've just finished watching the double-bill finale of Desperate Housewives. Spankingly good, but highly frustrating in the loose ends left over.]
How does that work? I'm pretty sure they didnt go on until 2:30 in the morning. :S
How about Kaz is the Evil Queen, and you're the 'Yodelling Man'? Sounds much better to me.
Anyway great stuff Mr. P.
Sneezy? ME?! NEVER! Only coz dogs are gay, and they have some sort of antibody which my antigens don't like, I think..? Oh fook. Something like that. I need to read up on that. DAMNIT. I thought I had that sorted. Allergies. Are. Gay.
I don't actually KNOW all the dwarves, which is rather embrarssing:$ Enlighten me! Oh, and I thought Jimmy would be Dopey, coz he is VERY dopey, y'know? Like, seriously.
Ooohh... More about DH on my blog:P
I only got home at 11.30, then had to wait for the second one to end so I could rewind the video and watch them in order.
Kaz m8 dressed up as Snow White? Phwoar... does she go, sir? Nudge nudge, wink wink, KNOW-WHAT-I-MEAN?!
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