Shorn Of The Dreads
Quote of the moment:
Q: "How would you like it sir?"
A: "Take it all off."
Oops. I also let slip that I would be away until September, so the barber said he'd "make sure it didn't need another cut until then".

The beautiful curls are gone...

...revealing the shrinking source...

...and why I really need to wear a beret.
I actually rather like it. Better than last time, when it was just long enough to fiddle with. Now it feels like new tooth brush bristles.
Apologies for picture quality: taken with the webcam while my digicam ones are in the charger.
Q: "How would you like it sir?"
A: "Take it all off."
Oops. I also let slip that I would be away until September, so the barber said he'd "make sure it didn't need another cut until then".
The beautiful curls are gone...
...revealing the shrinking source...
...and why I really need to wear a beret.
I actually rather like it. Better than last time, when it was just long enough to fiddle with. Now it feels like new tooth brush bristles.
Apologies for picture quality: taken with the webcam while my digicam ones are in the charger.
But.. But Villy! It's so SHORT?!
Apparently I'm in good company, since Will T m8 has also had been shorn.
Short is the new black :p
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