Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Primus Inter Pares

All men are not born equal. Humanity is tribal and rejects the "other", be it nationality, race, political affiliation or whatever, because the human race has grown upon the basis of all hunted animals: Together we stand, divided we fall. But there must always be a loser. Life is a race. Life is a competition. To come out on top someone must come out on the bottom. Socialism will always fail because on a small scale, helping each other may help ourselves, but kibutzes do not equate to countries. When everyone is equal and gets an equal share the strong are undervalued and the weak carried along. Survival of the fittest. helping the weak does not help the individual or the species.

What is life? Fear. Anger. Brutality. Discrimination. Discrimination is natural. It is human. It is animal. Looking down on the disabled. Looking down on the short, the fat, the short sighted, the dyslexic, the dyspraxic. Who will help me survive? Who do I want to hunt with? Who will hunt best for me? The strongest, the fastest, the smartest. Who will do best now? Who will succeed?

Inclusion is a noble aspiration, but discrimination is natural. Leave the weaklings to die in the snow. Compete. Strive. Struggle. Fight. Win.

There must always be a leader. There must always be us. We must survive. Not they. We. Us. We must be best, we must conquer, we must dominate. Such is humanity. There is no fair. There is no just. There is no honour. There is only the race.

Why recycle? Why go green? For the vanishing species? For Mother Earth? For the nobility of the cause? No. For us. For us to carry on for more generations. For there to always be an us.

It's strange what comes into your mind when you let it go blank. When the noise blurs in your ears into nothing more than the roar of the sea in a shell. When your eyes fix on the back in front, when your body moves in rhythm. Until you wake up at the end, there is only the race and the race is all about us.


Will said...

"There is no good and evil; there is only power and those too weak to seek it."

Koel said...

"first among equals"? (looked it up). If I was feeling idealistic I'd mumble, "what about art, and love, and appreciation of beauty etc etc etc..."... but I'm tired, so.

"It's strange what comes into your mind when you let it go blank. When the noise blurs in your ears into nothing more than the roar of the sea in a shell"

love that :D

re: voldemort quote, if that were true then love is counted as a weakness, and it's true that according to the sentiment of your post love is pretty much a deviation from the true nature of humanity - survival of the fittest. But why does it exist at all if there really is nothing but a brutal race?

bleh, there was that mumble. Awesome post.

Will said...

Lol. I thought of the Voldemortage as I published and couldn't remember what the hell it was from. Made me chuckle when I looked it up.

prillopie said...

Looking down on the short, the fat, the short sighted, - Oh, that puts me into a GREAT category.

Hmm. I don't see the word selfish in there anywhere?


Will said...

Lol. Survival of the fittest, Prill m8. Stop eating all those pies. Even the new Weebl n Bob's about weights :p

Anyway, that's not my philosophy for life, just a series of truisms.