Monday, December 20, 2004

Work, work...

Quote of the moment: "Mmmm... Beer..."

Today at Tesco was thrilling! I was working on the 'Beers, Wines and Spirits' aisle for the first time, as I will be for all my extra holiday shifts. I saw Mr Sugden, soon to be Head of Elwyns, with his baby daughter. I got asked by a three year old where the cereal bars are, and had to walk very slowly ahead of him so I could show him (and his highly amused mother) their exact position. Then, just to round off an exciting day, I pulled a four-pack of bacons (:p) out of the packaging to put them on the shelf, and one of them had a hole in. I spent the last hour and a half of my shift smelling of Carlsberg. Mmmm...

I hope all those who were being indignant about the Dark Materials film fiasco will watch The South Bank Show tonight. The BBC are repeating the interview with Philip Pullman tonight at 11pm because of the resurrected controversy over the iconoclastic theme, due to the forthcoming film.

P.S. Did you like my impressive wording? :D


Rob said...

While youwere workin today, Cool Runnings was on, but maybe you knew that, going by the bacon comment.

Will said...


Maybe I should find my video?