The First Four Days Of Christmas
Quote of the moment: "Oh s***, 95!" - Vicky driving on the motorway.
Judging from the impressive tally of comments on my previous few posts, everyone's on holiday and therefore not checking much... Well, probably mostly just that Prillo doesn't have her broadband! Therefore I'll limit my Christmas epic as much as possible.
Christmas Day:
Woken up by Podgy phoning at roughly 7.45 am. Did anyone else experience this joy?!
A classic quote from lunchtime, when the older generation were interrogating my cousin - who works in the Home Office - about David Blunkett etc. Me to my mum: "Calm down dear! It's only a commercial!"
Marge Simpson's Christmas message included the following:
"In world events, the friendship between America and Britain is stronger than ever. You're like Mini Me to our Dr Evil - helping out in all our zany schemes to take over the world."
Boxing Day:
On a church noticeboard on the way to lunch with the other side of the family:
"Jesus is for life, not just for Christmas."
Last night:
Watching the Big Fat Quiz Of The Year:
Jimmy Carr: "What was voted the most influential art work of the 20th century?"
Will (quoting Allo Allo): "Ze Fallen Madonna With Ze Big Boobies."
I also found out that the BNP's Christmas party was a flop, because they accidentally booked a black DJ. Apparently "He didn't sound black on the phone".
Met up with Jimmy, Prillo, Kaz and Rosie at Starbucks in Freeport. Prill had a ride on the toddler school bus, caught on video! Something to look forward to :D
To keep you happy in the meantime:

Me trying to replicate Prill's efforts.

Girly shopping? Dull? Not for me!
Re: "Woken up by Podgy phoning at roughly 7.45 am. Did anyone else experience this joy?!" - Yes... Unfotunately, sleep over took my brain before I managed to answer the phone...:$ Soz Podgy m8:( Kinda regret it now... Not having spoken to you for a while! [sigh]
And yes, I enjoyed my school bus ride VERY MUCH, thank you!:D
Hahaha... Poor rejected Podgy!
Btw: The Virgin bag contained Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure on DVD!
Most excellent!
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