Wednesday, December 15, 2004

What you say?

Quote of the moment:
Rumsfeld to Bush: "Captain, someone set us up the bomb"
White House Aide: "Main screen turn on"
Bush: "It is you!"
Bin Laden: "How are you gentlemen? All your base are belong to us"
Bush: "What you say?"
Bin Laden: "You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha"

BOOM! (Cue music... "All your base, your base, base, base, all your base... are belong to us...")


I know I've been ticked off already for saying this far too much, but OMG. I did a Prillo last night! No, worse! I did... a Vicky Adekunle! I had some overdue stuff (of course, being me - though it was the first majorly overdue stuff this term :D), which was a paper and two lots of corrections on my mocks... Then I had another two half-finished (in lesson-time) papers which were due in today... And then - and this is the scary bit - I had another one for tomorrow. I handed them all in today! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!

I did maybe an hours worth yesterday afternoon. I took my parents to "The Feast" (the end of term dinner in the Prep School). Jimmy came over, we watched some Salad Fingers, I discovered he didn't know what "All your base" was, so I had to show him instantly (I also discovered that logging into MSN from my laptop is now impossible). I went to fetch me 'rents in the middle of Teachers, Jimmy went home, I came back, watched the end of Teachers that I'd videoed, then at about midnight I started doing maths, cos I was thinking "Er... yoinks guys... I'm in le poo!" (Cue on the spot Scooby running :P

I stopped doing maths at about 3.30am. I was on so much of a roll that I did my stuff for tomorrow as well. HELP ME.

[Edit 20:48 16/12/04 - I realised that I forgot to provide an All Your Base link! So here is one! :D]


Will said...


Do you reckon I'd develop a cult following, do Anchor adverts and put out a DVD with a celebrity voiceover?

If not, then I CBA :P

Will said...

If only I had an Acorn at my disposal :D

I could have made a GIF sequence of it :D

Is that possible with Paintshop (Rob m8)?