Monday, March 22, 2004


Will's topic of the day: PARENTS.

(n.b. no guarentees I'll stick to it :D)

In particular, parents with kids aged 18 or over who still try to control them as if they were, for example, 12...

Having reached the age where one is encouraged to talk to a teacher as a more knowledgable equal from whom one can gain, where one can vote, drink, smoke, drive, shag, and all the rest of it, why is it that parents seem to think they have the perogative and there is no need for negotiation? Why do they not realise that there is a relationship: You give me money, food, clothes etc etc, and I give you (hopefully) pride, satisfaction, someone to beat at scrabble, someone to find your false teeth and take you on outings from the retirement home... If you want a pet, get a pet. Not a child. A pet is always something to take daft photos of, coo over, and order around... A child starts off like this, then becomes gradually more competent, more informed and often, especially as age takes its toll, more intelligent than said adult. And more importantly, FAR more stubborn.

As you, dear reader, should be well aware by now, I had a disagreement with my 'rents in which they refused to argue or debate, but made an autocratic declaration.

Fortunately, as I already mentioned, I have the upper hand in the stubborness stakes. Therefore I will triumph in the end, and do exactly what I want... after all, isnt that what being a teenager is all about?! :p

(P.S. If you thought you'd find out what the case in point was, tough. I don't want you to know... you might think I was being unreasonable :D)