It is now 18.37 in BST (of which more later) and there are less than 17 hours until my sister is let loose on the roads: You have been warned!
Hmmm... not a lot to say really: my dear sister has insisted on me setting up a blog for her, so please read and ridicule it: any negative comments you wish to make, I will happily publish them :D I'm assuming there won't be any positive ones... mwahahaha...
A small realisation concerning the timing thing which I made a while ago, and have forgotten to mention: I was changing the time on each post to BST, but gave it up because (A) it was too much effort and also (B) the post is actually then published at this time in the US - though I don't know if it's East or West coast time... but anyway this has the serious disadvantage of not being there when I view my blog after publishing - the cause of the confusion 'way back when'... (8 days ago to be precise :D)
Other than that: Hope you like the new colour scheme - not fully implemented yet, but it hopefully will be soon...
That's about it! I shall leave you with a quote, although I probably won't remember to make a habit of it...
"Party on Wayne!"
"Party on Garth!"
"Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent!"