Friday, March 26, 2004


I have some corrections to make, on the advice of my knowledgable associate Rob, who wished me to make it clear wtf I was talking about, and also pointed out that he resented my estimate of my readership... so, readership: I apologise to you all, excluding Koel of course, to whom I merely say: SNK. SNK. SNK.

For those of you who don't get that, I direct you to the Terry Pratchett link I will one day get around to putting on this page... if you're VERY good children, and go to bed when told. :p

Back to (reality?) the point: what I meant in my last missive was:

I have been whining about petty crap. For those who might find this annoying and even offensive given the current goings on in the world today, and particularly the health of another associate of mine - of which you will find details in the place specified - I don't actually take myself seriously, and it was all for comic effect, because (A) irreverent (which I spelt wrong before) sarcasm is my 'thang' and (B) if you want bitter realism, read Pril, and if you want righteous ranting, read Koel. And I couldn't do it better than them...

Anyway: "To thine own self be true" as Josh's girlfriend says in Clueless...

So I shall continue in my absurd ramblings, having vaguely exorcised my guilt trip...

By the way: to any of the readership expecting more film quoting than produced thus far (sum total 1 - see above) I also apologise. I fear you have been mislead by Koel's link... but I shall no doubt spew forth a whole lot more in the near future, here at Quotes-R-Us, Black Notley's premier source of useless information and trivia...

And now, to play us out, a special preview just for you, taken once again from that awesome movie, Clueless(Not a chickflick - a way of life):

Cher - "I want to do something good for humanity."
Josh - "How about sterilisation?"

Thank you, and goodnight...