Miss Sally Lockhart, I Presume?
Quote of the moment:
Live News.......Fifa in doubt over Portugal world cup win against England
It's alleged that one of the Portuguese football players failed a drugs test after the match. If this is confirmed as positive, under World Football Federation rules, paragraph 6 sub section 2e, Portugal will forfeit the quarter final match and England will play France in a Semi Final match played at a later date. (scroll down for the full transcript of this report).
...Carlsberg don't send emails, but if they did they would probably be the best emails in the world.
Cracking stuff. An interesting night tonight, at the end of year staff party. Apart from me, the only people under 30 were the headmaster's daughters, who were behind the "bar" table, and the oddjobbing year-after-uni-to-decide-what-to-do old boy, who was minding the music and chatting up the elder daughter. Reassuringly he has much less hair than me. The party was suprisingly ok, mostly because all the staff were drinking themselves back to my kind of mental age and I was staying there on Coke.

In entertainment news, hot on the heels of the possible massacre of His Dark Materials comes a BBC adaption of Philip Pullman's The Ruby in the Smoke. It should at least be kept British and the BBC expertise in Victorian drama is second to none, but Billie Piper? Not exactly the classiest choice. Sally's supposed to be the posh lady in the East End, not the eJimmy, of course, wants Emilia Fox, because he loves Emilia Fox. Fine for the later books, but Sally's supposed to start out aged 16. Then again, if they make all 4 straight off, then that'll balance out a bit. Personally I'd go for someone like Emilie de Ravin.
Live News.......Fifa in doubt over Portugal world cup win against England
It's alleged that one of the Portuguese football players failed a drugs test after the match. If this is confirmed as positive, under World Football Federation rules, paragraph 6 sub section 2e, Portugal will forfeit the quarter final match and England will play France in a Semi Final match played at a later date. (scroll down for the full transcript of this report).
...Carlsberg don't send emails, but if they did they would probably be the best emails in the world.
Cracking stuff. An interesting night tonight, at the end of year staff party. Apart from me, the only people under 30 were the headmaster's daughters, who were behind the "bar" table, and the oddjobbing year-after-uni-to-decide-what-to-do old boy, who was minding the music and chatting up the elder daughter. Reassuringly he has much less hair than me. The party was suprisingly ok, mostly because all the staff were drinking themselves back to my kind of mental age and I was staying there on Coke.
In entertainment news, hot on the heels of the possible massacre of His Dark Materials comes a BBC adaption of Philip Pullman's The Ruby in the Smoke. It should at least be kept British and the BBC expertise in Victorian drama is second to none, but Billie Piper? Not exactly the classiest choice. Sally's supposed to be the posh lady in the East End, not the eJimmy, of course, wants Emilia Fox, because he loves Emilia Fox. Fine for the later books, but Sally's supposed to start out aged 16. Then again, if they make all 4 straight off, then that'll balance out a bit. Personally I'd go for someone like Emilie de Ravin.
Emilie de Ravin isn't British! Nononono. At least it'll be a BBC production, so it might actually turn out ok, no? Hmm. Emilia Fox might be ok. And why are they all blonde? Is she meant to be the blonde? Lol. I forget.
Also rofl at your quote. Damn you, I was fooled. I thought it was for real. Damn you.
Haha... owned.
She is indeed an Aussie, but needs must...
Yes, Sally is the blonde, and the blondeness is essential, as she and Fred are the blonde pair, and you get the contrast to dark haired Adelaide and the differences and stuff :p
Who else could you have? If it was a proper film, Keira Knightley, no quibbles... but since it's only a BBC drama, the budget is lacking. Anne-Marie Duff's too old and not striking enough. Elaine Cassidy would make a fine dark haired Adelaide were it not for her accent. Erm...
(realises doesn't watch enough TV)
PHWOAR, Elaine Cassidy as Adelaide would be awesome. Maybe she can de-accent herself? Colin Farrel does. Ah, yes, blonde. But I never saw her as blonde blonde, like Emilie de Ravin.. They should get an unknown. Unknowns always work best.
Anyway: other characters:
Trembler: Ian Holm
Webster: The guy who plays Mr Ollivander
Fred: Damian Lewis
Jim: requires an unknown, given that he starts off aged 10...
Adelaide: ditto
Mrs Holland: Ideally, Angelica Houston, like in the Witches, but otherwise... not sure.
Mrs Holland's huge bouncer guy: Vinnie Jones, for comedy value. Dont you know who I am?!
The Bedwell twins: (the vicar and the opium addict) pass...
Rosa: Anna Steel, the aforementioned elder daughter... right hair, plus she was in a couple of previous BBC Drama thingys in minor roles, tis quite cool. Also nearly got on EastEnders, but probably lost out because of the whole soap character/real life persona match up and her being posh as fooook.
Anyway: The major thing to note is that Axel Bellman is written for Jason Isaacs.
Who's the guy she gets with in the 2nd book?:S I can't remember.. I need to re-read. Haven't got it with me though, dammit.
That'd be Fred...
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