Dancing Through Life?
Quote of the moment:
"It is said 'Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger'"
"And it is also said 'Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both yes and no.'"
I've started on LOTR :D Also today I did an hour's length thrashing in the pool and thrashing of a different sort against my mother at tennis. Haven't played for about eight years apart from when occasionally forced to in PE, but Wimbledon inspired me. We got as far as 3-3, 4 games of which were breaks, before it was suppertime and I won a tie-break 7-4. Not particularly owned, except that I always disliked tennis, much prefering badminton, and I was using my sister's racquet which was a touch on the small side. I think I finally was forced to grasp top-spin playing Jimmy on his spanky new table-tennis table last week.
I'm off to watch Dances with Wolves, so I shall leave you with this gem:

Everything but the last part... I'm happy to spread the joys of the Drunk Will persona outside the bounds of insobriety.
"It is said 'Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger'"
"And it is also said 'Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both yes and no.'"
I've started on LOTR :D Also today I did an hour's length thrashing in the pool and thrashing of a different sort against my mother at tennis. Haven't played for about eight years apart from when occasionally forced to in PE, but Wimbledon inspired me. We got as far as 3-3, 4 games of which were breaks, before it was suppertime and I won a tie-break 7-4. Not particularly owned, except that I always disliked tennis, much prefering badminton, and I was using my sister's racquet which was a touch on the small side. I think I finally was forced to grasp top-spin playing Jimmy on his spanky new table-tennis table last week.
I'm off to watch Dances with Wolves, so I shall leave you with this gem:

Everything but the last part... I'm happy to spread the joys of the Drunk Will persona outside the bounds of insobriety.
GRAAAAAAAAWR:@:@ WHY is my devART not loading? I'm suffering from MAJOR withdrawl symptoms!! *twitches*
Sigh... addict... *rolleyes*
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