Strongbow & Ribena:Druids' Brew
Quote of the moment:
Get it down... you Zulu warrior! Get it down... you Zulu chief chief chief chief chief chief!...
Just come back from an awesome drunk party in K9. The plan was to head out to town somewhere, but we were having so much fun piling onto people's beds n stuff that that was abandoned. Some people did go out for the traditional post-night-out takeaway though. Mmmm chips. I stayed in and stuck to toast'n'jam. Not convinced it's healthier but it's certainly more economical. Unlike buying an Xmas tree in November and having it mauled on December 1st. Shame on you Little James. Tis all your fault.

Didn't finish my bridge project. Sod it. Serves me right. Hopefully will learn my lesson, but given the weight of historical evidence I doubt it. As Jules said at the LVI parents meeting, "He has a cavalier attitude to deadlines".
Yeah baby. I'm a cavalier. At least that makes me an interesting failure, not a dull one. Anyway, I've secured 25 (of an available 30) of the necessary 40% to pass Drawing already, so sod it. I'll scrape through. 70% in my presentation baby, yeah! I can talk like the days will never go down behind the hills in the west, into darkness. How did it come to this, eh?! EH?!
Get it down... you Zulu warrior! Get it down... you Zulu chief chief chief chief chief chief!...
Just come back from an awesome drunk party in K9. The plan was to head out to town somewhere, but we were having so much fun piling onto people's beds n stuff that that was abandoned. Some people did go out for the traditional post-night-out takeaway though. Mmmm chips. I stayed in and stuck to toast'n'jam. Not convinced it's healthier but it's certainly more economical. Unlike buying an Xmas tree in November and having it mauled on December 1st. Shame on you Little James. Tis all your fault.
Didn't finish my bridge project. Sod it. Serves me right. Hopefully will learn my lesson, but given the weight of historical evidence I doubt it. As Jules said at the LVI parents meeting, "He has a cavalier attitude to deadlines".
25/30 and a first in your presentation?! You annoyingly smug king of rohan you.
Yes indeed, I am badass. Note, however, that I completely missed the deadline for a sizeable chunk of the drawing module. Not a great plan. Not sure that handing this one in on Monday will be greatly appreciated.
Gah. Bah Humbug. GL!
Twin towers? wtf did i say that for?? DON'T ARREST ME GEORGE IT WAS A MISTAAA....
...misquoting LOTR. At what cost?
Ah yes, the overt politicisation of modern cinema. The battle between good and evil, light and dark, etc etc.
Besides, it's Cheney you need to worry about.
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