Homeward Bound
Quote of the moment:
Homeward bound
I wish I was
Homeward bound
Home, where my thought’s escaping
Home, where my music’s playing
Home, where my love lies waiting
Silently for me
- Simon and Garfunkel, Homeward Bound.
Thursday was awesome. Had Pizza Hut buffet for lunch with K3 (minus Matt) and Richard from K9. Circuits wasn't really happening, so played (quite firm, even solid) touch rugby with the 14-odd novices who turned up and our captain and v.c.
Went out to Bounce afterwards with the Pizza Hut posse. Using my line-out skills again I caught 3 "presents" being thrown out (fluffy headbands with pom-poms). Drunk Steve decided the one I was giving to Little James should be his though, and when I'd mauled it off him he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me over... on top of him. Foolish boy. I just lay there in the hope that neither of us would get chucked out if I didn't respond.
A while later Charlie, K9's honourary 6th member, reappeared with another Charlie... I had a very drunk Dougie leaning on me for a bit while we reminisced about Felsted. Apparently he'd had a bottle of whiskey and several pints of Snakebite. Apart from cricket he's doing law. My mental image of Dougie in black barrister's robes is very similar to Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy:

I managed to keep hold of my particularly attractive pink fluffy pom-pom headband all night and it's now joined my collection of mementoes, along with the Halloween horns, the cheerleader pom-poms, the rubber duck and the hula-hoop.
We all stayed up playing on the xbox and watching DVDs (Napolean Dynamite and Trainspotting) until about 8am, at which point I joined Rich and Matt for fried breakfast. Mmmmm.
Slept from 11 to 3.30 and spent the rest of the day slobbing in K3. Have been tidying up and packing since about 1am, but that was interrupted twice by the fire alarm going off. Apparently two flats in K block had the glass in their red fire alarm things smashed within an hour of each other. Honestly. It's almost as if people were partying to celebrate the end of term.
Homeward bound
I wish I was
Homeward bound
Home, where my thought’s escaping
Home, where my music’s playing
Home, where my love lies waiting
Silently for me
- Simon and Garfunkel, Homeward Bound.
Thursday was awesome. Had Pizza Hut buffet for lunch with K3 (minus Matt) and Richard from K9. Circuits wasn't really happening, so played (quite firm, even solid) touch rugby with the 14-odd novices who turned up and our captain and v.c.
Went out to Bounce afterwards with the Pizza Hut posse. Using my line-out skills again I caught 3 "presents" being thrown out (fluffy headbands with pom-poms). Drunk Steve decided the one I was giving to Little James should be his though, and when I'd mauled it off him he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me over... on top of him. Foolish boy. I just lay there in the hope that neither of us would get chucked out if I didn't respond.
A while later Charlie, K9's honourary 6th member, reappeared with another Charlie... I had a very drunk Dougie leaning on me for a bit while we reminisced about Felsted. Apparently he'd had a bottle of whiskey and several pints of Snakebite. Apart from cricket he's doing law. My mental image of Dougie in black barrister's robes is very similar to Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy:
I managed to keep hold of my particularly attractive pink fluffy pom-pom headband all night and it's now joined my collection of mementoes, along with the Halloween horns, the cheerleader pom-poms, the rubber duck and the hula-hoop.
We all stayed up playing on the xbox and watching DVDs (Napolean Dynamite and Trainspotting) until about 8am, at which point I joined Rich and Matt for fried breakfast. Mmmmm.
Slept from 11 to 3.30 and spent the rest of the day slobbing in K3. Have been tidying up and packing since about 1am, but that was interrupted twice by the fire alarm going off. Apparently two flats in K block had the glass in their red fire alarm things smashed within an hour of each other. Honestly. It's almost as if people were partying to celebrate the end of term.
mmm dougie... :P still lookin hottt these days?
:O Podgy m8!! Never knew you thought Dougie was/is hot. LOL. [thinks of Dougie] [digs out year book] Hmmm... Nah. Not feelin' it:P
yeah dude! Totally. Well ok not so much the looks alone (granted, the leavers book pic makes him look tres convicted criminal-like), it was just, mostly in english class how he was so darn witty and intelligent, but rebellious at the same time. Sexy. He could also be an arsehole i spose, which made me feel bad for wanting to jump him.
Btw, does homeward bound mean no posts for awhile?
:O You know who's hot? Timmy B. DUDE, check out his new hair. His mate looks pretty hot as well:P I think it's just the hair. Hmm. Yea, it is just the hair. Nothing else.
Unless Timmy B's in Edinburgh for N00b Year, would we be able to see? Or did you take pictures? Has he got long hair from his gap year? That counts as hot for Prill, right? Haha... Timmy with dreads/surfer braids. Awesome. Post pics please.
Also: I love the new liberated Podgy: "...wanting to jump him". Hahaha.
timmy b, really? hehehehe hot hair can maketh the man.
I'll second the postpixplz motion.
lol. :)
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