The Ringwraith
Quote of the moment: "I saw Mrs Short in Tesco... I had to duck down behind my trolley and pretend to fiddle with a box while she drifted across the end of the aisle like a ringwraith..." - For some reason my parents found that highly entertaining!
I'm watching the Tsunami Aid concert on tv. Snowpatrol were just on, and there was a shot panning across the crowd, full on people waving red glowsticks in time to the music, and one n00b waving his mobile phone with the screen lit up. [Sighs]. The singer was standing there looking very nervous, then everyone started singing along to Run and this huuuge grin spread across his face... It was like watching the star of an infant school play get his first applause.
Where is this concert? The Millenium Stadium in Cardiff, capital of ownage for the forseeable future. I reckon my mind is pretty well made up :D
[Edit 22:45 - MSN has launched its own blog service, called Spaces. I think they need to accept that Google owns them...]
Christ. Just had a look at MSN Spaces. Haha... It looks a bit shite tbh:P Maybe it's just coz I'm used to the whole blogger look? Pft.
Ace;) I wanna watch the concert, damnit. RAWRRRR... But I have no TV license:P Maybe I'll bring it up from Edinburgh:\
You should blato be able to get a license for one tv that you can take with you wherever... it'd be handy!
And how!
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