Saturday, January 15, 2005

Rusty Review

Quote of the moment:
"I know this may sound wrong, but seeing those bombs explode was a treat for the eyes" - a Luftwaffe pilot in Blitz: Bombing and Total War.

The feeling of this rusty kettle against my salad fingers... LOL.

I had my first review at Tesco today. Apparently I'm doing wonderfully, apart from making the occasional heap of stuff in the aisle when nothing will fit out on the shelves. Unfortunately, due to the budget being at full stretch already, they can't take me on for more hours for the next couple of months. Since Camp America runs from the start of June, 4 months away, I either have to get off my arse and write begging letters to engineering companies, or just look for a job somewhere like Cineworld. Mmm... cheap cinema tickets...

[Edit 23:45 - New Weeblson and Bobmansdottir! History 6 - The Vikings! Described by Rob as "a cross between me and Salad Fingers". Now, I off to do some pillaging... :p]

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