Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Nice haircut, Marine!

Quote of the moment: While talking about watching The Ring last night with Jimmy, I was tres amused... Here are the edited highlights:

Hulk: I watched the ring last night
Jimmy: have you watched the hole thing yet?
Jimmy: *whole
Hulk: PMSL
Jimmy: huh?

Sigh... Oh, the irony!

Today I made what was possibly a huge blunder: I had a haircut! My lovely long Einsteinian locks have been shorn! It's not quite Vince level short, but close, no? Judge for yourselves...

Witness the amazing receeding hairline!

Also, for your delight and viewing pleasure (and to make Jim jealous), the window of the shop in Edinburgh:

Jim's spiritual home!

Mine's in the front row, one to the left of centre... However, I'm sure Jim will be more concerned with the beauty in the middle of the back row! And on the topic of making Jim jealous, I sat next to three Russian girls on the train down from Edinburgh on Monday, who were happily chattering away in accents that would have had Jim begging for more... :P

Fitness Report: Does walking around Braintree count? Nope, didn't think so...

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