Friday, November 05, 2004

Hail to the Thief

Quote of the moment: Kerry calls Bush to concede...

Two days ago, but unmentioned as yet. I thought it was quite impressive that Kerry didn't go into the courtroom battles, despite being a lawyer!

Sighage... Looking on the bright side, at least the Armed Forces will be kept busy, and hopefully thus escape too many cuts as a result of "having too many troops". More likely, they'll have to go to war, but not have any budget increase, and thus be forced to make more cuts like those happening now. I think Bush should chuck 3 billion our way to pay for our assistance, since Gordon Brown won't - it's less than what gets spent each day on the US Armed Forces, apparently!

The political maps show America in terms of Red Republican states and Blue Democrat ones... But here's the proportional representation map: nearly Cadbury Purple, Podge m8!

America goes purple

Fitness Report: I got owned in Badminton doubles by a pair of females! Shocking! I blame my partner for being a short-ass... Short people are t3h sucky :P

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