Friday, June 01, 2007

Late-Night Bemusement

More sheer genius.

The goverment wants to force predominantly white schools to 'twin' with 'ethnically-diverse schools' to stop racial segregation. Uhuh. Sure thing.

So they're going to force every single school in the countryside to bus their pupils into cities to gawk at the blicks? Genius. Or are they going to send out the black and asian kids so that the poor yokels can understand that they aren't so different after all? As for their white council estate dwelling urban cohabitants, kids hang around with whoever lives on their street and gang up on the next street over. It's their parents who try and place restrictions on them, and who move to segregated areas in the first place, but let's get real. This is not Derry or Sadr city.

If the government wanted to force proportional integration within city schools, fine by me. If they want to introduce the poor yokels to 'persons of colour' then make Trevor Phillips walk through every village in the country. (Preferably over hot coals, for being a cretin.)

1 comment:

Koel said...

HA. Matching david cameron's jaw-droppingly retarded idea of forcing proportional integration, as you put it. Which is the stupidest idea ever. I mean equal numbers of white and black people, well who the fuck is black and who the fuck is white? Aside from the large grey area, this is designed to ALLEVIATE tensions? 'Cause there would of course be no tensions when someone got refused 'cause they alerady had enough people of their colour. After that piece of idiocy from the oppostion you'd think the government could make themselves look better in comparison, but no! Here is another twat-brained idea in aid of the ridiculous fear-mongering about THE TENSIONS CAUSED BY THE ONSALUGHT OF INCREASING DIVERSITY and MULTICULTURALISM IS FAILING LOL.

Btw, hey will :D