Saturday, March 24, 2007

This is Iran

Oops. Apparently the Persians, or more specifically the Iranians, are upset by 300. It's obviously an Alexander Nevsky style propaganda film aimed at building support for a US-UK invasion of Iran. Sure it is. There's a Brit in the lead role just to make sure of it. Not a film version of a cartoon version of a Greek saga at all. It's pure fallacy that Persians suck at fighting and got beaten by 300 products of the biggest homicidal cult ever. They had 700 helpers holding another pass, for one thing. Besides, in the Will Thorne (TM) ratings it must be good, it doesn't have Orlando Bloom in.

Anyone up for a holiday viewing?

[All trademarks used with flagrant disregard for the holder's likely superior knowledge of the film, the period, the politics and Rob's mum.]


Will said...

Hell yes.

Koel said...

Only 3.5? Suck. I want there to be chocolatey plot goodness! Cosmo loves it but he's become old and decrepit over the years. I shall still anticipate seeing it eagerly and hope you've been harsh ^_^

Will said...

Have to say you were pretty much dead on, Will m8... still worth seeing at the kino though, even if just for the Jim reaction afterwards.

Rob said...

I enjoyed it, although it was pretty camp. All I'm saying is, everyone is in Y-fonts and capes, and it included the line "Come on, get yours shields boys" or something to that effect. It was crap until I realised it didn't take itself seriously, then it was good. Also, anyone else a bit tired of Frank Miller adaptions? I read he got a 7 figure sum for Sin City (which was ace, no complaints) so I dont really know why he bothered letting them do 300, unless the person who co-wrote it was pissed that they were poor and Frank Miller is minted? Thoughts?