Thursday, February 15, 2007

Insert Cheese Error

2k time: 7:05

Not good... given that I haven't done one since May and it's actually an improvement on that, it might seem good, but actually without the month off pre-Christmas with a strained ankle tendon type thing, the getting fat over Christmas and the 3 weeks of concussion post-Christmas it could have been about 20 seconds faster... and it needs to be. I was admittedly doing it with the top 15 other people rowing for the club atm (a few have been bumped out due to being overqualified) but I came last by a couple of seconds... and 9 were under 6.40, so 6.45 is not an unrealistic goal. Ooh... hours of ergo fun to come.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

I did it in 9.20!! And wasnt forcing it out... that was just part of my workout last night!! I'm so hardcore. yes i am.
Miss you! x x