God Is An Englishman
I've come to realise that Catholicism may be genetic. I think there's a guilty gene that drives me to need to confess things, although not exactly to a priest. I'm using a handy churchgoer as a proxy.
In return for said usage, I went as the psuedo gay friend on a cheering-up trip to the cinema with the aforementioned young lady. The Holiday was, in the Love Actually vein, a slightly superior rom-com, mostly made so by the British-set half. Eli Wallach, best known as 'The Ugly' in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, was also kinda cool. Kate Winslet plays her character as Emma Thompson, even down to the facial expressions. The twist involving Jude Law brings in what was for me the best scene in the film, and not just for the awesome furnishings.
Overall rating: left me wanting hot chocolate, which I duly begged in exchange for being wept on for the last twenty minutes. Personally, I wasn't sufficiently moved, unlike the doorstep signs in Love Actually, which is possibly the most sickly sweet scene ever. Bless.
Awwwwwww.. I *looovee* that scene. Makes me cry EVERY time! Haven't seen "The Holiday", would like to though. Ugh. I feel sick. No really.
It's the pregnancy... are you having random food cravings too?
Are random arm pains also related to pregnancy?...
nothing will ever beat the andrew lincoln scene. God is andrew lincoln. <3
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