Thursday, December 28, 2006


Major Christmas spoils: A couple of shirts, a pair of walking boots, 15 novels, a tome on bridges with pretty pictures, a huge painting by my sister that she was very offended to hear me describe as looking like pieces of pizza and a head torch.

I went shopping today to acquire something else for me on my parents behalf:

I also picked up a rather fine rugby shirt. Hurrah for sales.

Well, you know how I love putting up pictures of my shopping...

Monday, December 25, 2006

Tagged and Bagged

Having tags on posts, or labels as Blogger calls them, is strange, but going back through my ridiculous number of posts (this will be the 587th) on the pretext of tagging stuff is quite entertaing, mostly because of how dire they used to be and how correspondingly dire the more recent ones will surely seem in a couple of years time.

I've "upgraded" my blog to comply with the new Blogger and thus it now displays labels properly as well as in the new bit in the sidebar. The text on the new version of my template is somehow not quite the same. Pretty sure it's not the font. The spacing between words seems smaller so I've overcompensated for that by making the line-spacing overly large. It may therefore look rather odd.

On the First Day of Christmas

Went to the midnight service in Felsted. The Christmas, The Flopster and many more were there. It was ultimate fun, especially when my mum had been at the wine a bit hard and kept starting hymns twice as loud and shrill as everyone else. I on the other hand was using my best Barry White bass. Sexy. But talking of sexy, kids... be good like uncle Jim.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Shopper

New trainers from Freeport today have destroyed my excuse not to go running. D'oh!

Monday, December 18, 2006

What News from the West?

"I'm going to sexually molest your dog" #

What a legend. That one's definitely coming out the next time I want to insult someone.

In recent news: I'm home, at last, having survived a final week including a Rowing Christmas Ball and a "family" outing to Bounce. Both involved wine and thus naturally somewhat drunken, but I managed to come through with minimal memory loss and no major head injuries. Score!

The best bit of Thursday night was playing drunken sardines til 6am. I was unfindable when I got up into the loft. Go me. Paul swore he heard something but they searched they top floor and when he suggested the loft, I was passed off as "a rat". Lol. Better than that, though, was me, Matt and Moz lined up on the windowsill of the front groundfloor room (Matt's) hanging out of the window to minimise the bulge we were making in the curtains and waving drunkenly at the guy cycling past the end of the road.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

God Is An Englishman

I've come to realise that Catholicism may be genetic. I think there's a guilty gene that drives me to need to confess things, although not exactly to a priest. I'm using a handy churchgoer as a proxy.

In return for said usage, I went as the psuedo gay friend on a cheering-up trip to the cinema with the aforementioned young lady. The Holiday was, in the Love Actually vein, a slightly superior rom-com, mostly made so by the British-set half. Eli Wallach, best known as 'The Ugly' in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, was also kinda cool. Kate Winslet plays her character as Emma Thompson, even down to the facial expressions. The twist involving Jude Law brings in what was for me the best scene in the film, and not just for the awesome furnishings.

Overall rating: left me wanting hot chocolate, which I duly begged in exchange for being wept on for the last twenty minutes. Personally, I wasn't sufficiently moved, unlike the doorstep signs in Love Actually, which is possibly the most sickly sweet scene ever. Bless.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Dirty Banker

I refuse to be banker. That way stealing from the bank's more of a challenge...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Here Wii Go Again

"Some early reviewers in the US have complained that the vigorous action demanded by the Wii controller have left them feeling stiff after a long game session." #


Playing console tennis that actually involves doing exercise? Oh no! But personally I'm looking forward more to sword elbow from Zelda than Mario Tennis elbow. It looks awesome.