Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Quote of the Moment:
"I love doing sequels" - Arnie on re-election as the Governator of California.


A couple of old-timers weren't so lucky. The legendary Desert Orchid and the awesome footwarming party-pillow that was Ben have both gone beyond the sunset.


Jimmy said...

({) :'( Was going through my phone vids just this mornin' randomly & found a couple of Ben & Zulu having a tug o' war.

*sniff* Rest In Peace <3

Will said...


Ossum... hehe... upload to lappie, send to me immediatement...

prillopie said...

:'( You'll be missed! Even though I was highly allergic to you..

Koel said...

LOL at arnie... even better:

"we will terminate terrorism!"