Mr Bump
Quote of the moment:
"This experience has tested me and revealed no character whatsoever." - David Schwimmer in Six Days Seven Nights.

Oops... I think I'm still a trifle concussed. Been groggy since Thursday. I expect the lack of feeling in the skin down my right leg is due to the lump/gouge/graze on my hip, not the bump to the head though. It's all a bit mixed up, because my glands are also swollen, which I think is unrelated to Wednesday, and that's probably not helping with the woozy head.
"This experience has tested me and revealed no character whatsoever." - David Schwimmer in Six Days Seven Nights.

Oops... I think I'm still a trifle concussed. Been groggy since Thursday. I expect the lack of feeling in the skin down my right leg is due to the lump/gouge/graze on my hip, not the bump to the head though. It's all a bit mixed up, because my glands are also swollen, which I think is unrelated to Wednesday, and that's probably not helping with the woozy head.
d00d... what happened to you?
clicky the piccy, tis mostly explained... :p at least if the link works...
I fell over on the way home on wednesday night, while rather inebriated...
Hope you're better now...?
Mostly :) still a bit clumsy though... whereas I am normally the embodiment of grace, balance and poise, obviously...
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