Quote of the moment:
"Does anyone love the sausage?"
Awesome night. Started with watching the first World Cup game from my flatmates paddling pool, set up just outside our windows... and when I say paddling pool, it had two hoses (rigged up to showers, best way available) filling it and its own electric filter... there were 12 of us in it. It rules.
Hit the booze (partial thanks due to Relm), went out to Fat Friday (at the union)... attempted to do a burning sambuca, was too sober for once, managed to spray it down my tshirt... classy... survived that, ended up dancing with some random girl... turned out she was a 3rd year, last Fat Friday ever, saying I was a first year was NOT the right answer... LOL... ah well...
Went hyper afterwards, was running round the station carpark on the way home... Steve either tryed to kick me or block himself with his leg, not sure which (but who blocks with their leg!?) and I ran straight into it and knocked him over and apparently he bummed his wrist... someone might be pissed with me in the morning/afternoon/whenever I get up. Oops. Sorry Steve.
Then went a roundabout route (complete with me doing hyper sprints up and down the road) to Martin's Act One (uni drama soc) house party... 'cept most people had already left, it being gone 2am. I was obviously indifferent to that. Don't they know who I am?! I'm the Juggernaut **Drunk Will** bitch! So after knocking a couple of beer bottles open on the gate (it was an awesome house, it effectively had its own beer garden) I headed out the back, found the charcoal and some sausages and baps (and some far too defrosted burgers which minged) and got cooking, because I was hungry. Ended up cooking for at least 15 people who turned up soon after. I was the BBQ king. They had marshmallows too... I was doing well with them, had them on a toasting fork, til I tried one too early and it burnt onto my lip. Oops. Anyway, my cooking was loved.
After a random conversation with a guy who was a musical counselor on a summer camp in Massachusetts (sp?) last summer and an icecream he robbed from the freezer inside, I headed home, to find Jay and Martin being crazy ninjas... so I ninja-d around the court with them for a bit, then went upstairs... since Ruth had left her light on I knocked on the door of K8 (flat upstairs in my block, me being in K1)... and it opened.
So, there was me, in K8. Well, obviously it was psy-ops time. They have nice labels on their doors and kitchen cupboards and stuff, so I switched all the door ones around, then swapped some of the kitchen cupboard contents and their labels around, then took their bathroom stuff and hid it in the microwave and put their bleach and stuff in the shower. Alriiiiight. Met a random bloke in the bathroom, but I acted like I belonged there and he was just like "Alright?". I was like "Alright?" and carried on putting the bleach bottles in the shower. Oh, and I put the loo seat up on purpose, before he appeared, but his presence probably spoiled that effect. Oh, and I built a pyramid of glasses on their kitchen table. OWNED.
Then I came home and got online. Am rather sooty, mildy burnt in a few places, still pretty drunk and starting to feel hungover, so it's off to Bedfordshire.
All in all... tonight was awesome :D