Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Shopping Without Photos

Quote of the moment:
"Fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists" - David Campbell on UKIP.

Lucky you. Due to the lack of a connector cable, I didn't bother taking photos of my shopping. It was more interesting but less extreme than the 90 litre backpack of shopping. Two pairs of Nike trainers and two pairs of trousers (jeans and cords). One pair of blue/silver chunky trainers to replace my wrecked sports ones and one thin lightweight pair for dossing around, as a contrast to my beefy Vans. New trousers were needed because even the ones from September need roping in around the waist now. Hurrah for that.


Koel said...

twas cameron weren't it?

Will said...

Lol. No, actually the Conservative Party has been infiltrated by Ming Campbell's illegitimate son, who will be acknowledged publicly after the next election should a Tory/Lib Dem pact become necessary.