RIP Fat Will
Quote of the moment:
Imperial: 13st 12lb (196lb)
Metric: 88kg
That puts my BMI at 24.2, making me "Normal" for the first time since before I bummed my knee aged 15, when I was 14st 7lb. BMI is blatantly crapola, but it's on my side now so never mind. W00t for me and w00t for the gym scales. I went yesterday during the England-France rugby match, because it would be emptier than normal. 31-6 to France, so I didn't miss much.
I've just been introduced to the marvels of Lost... not that I hadn't seen a couple of episodes before, but I borrowed the "First 12 episodes" box set and got through 5 on Saturday night. I was quite suprised therefore to find that my "Architectural Engineering" lecture this afternoon was taken by Locke...

Imperial: 13st 12lb (196lb)
Metric: 88kg
That puts my BMI at 24.2, making me "Normal" for the first time since before I bummed my knee aged 15, when I was 14st 7lb. BMI is blatantly crapola, but it's on my side now so never mind. W00t for me and w00t for the gym scales. I went yesterday during the England-France rugby match, because it would be emptier than normal. 31-6 to France, so I didn't miss much.
I've just been introduced to the marvels of Lost... not that I hadn't seen a couple of episodes before, but I borrowed the "First 12 episodes" box set and got through 5 on Saturday night. I was quite suprised therefore to find that my "Architectural Engineering" lecture this afternoon was taken by Locke...
Woot woot. Congrats. I say, I think your BMI might be better than mine. That's very disturbing. Ah alas, no. I'm at 23. Hmm. You're catching up. Perhaps I should do some exercise. Yeessss. Interesting theory.
YES. "LOST" R t3h rock. Ooh, what are the extra features like? Is Kate hot. I think she's hot. And Boone. Ah man. He's HOT. Can't WAIT for Season 2 on C4. Soon, they say, soon!
hehe congrats innit. I have no idea about mine, dunno my height and only know my weight in stones. Worringly that has been steadily increasing past when I stopped growing... hahahahahhaa lol @ prill. My thoughts exactly... exercise... ummm yeah.
Lost, gah, it's like desperate housewives, ie. a sudden rash sweeping the nation. Watched one episode, was quite kewl and the lotr guy was in it... lol... is boone that hot doctor guy?
Boone's the blonde bimbo's brother. Dark hair with blue eyes. The doc's orrite. I mean, he can be hot. But Boone. Aw man. The whole dark hair and blue eyes. The eyes just jump out at you, and it's like WOW.
Sawyer is te man's man :p
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