Sandy Claws
Quote of the moment:
First, we're going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When he comes a-sniffing we will
Snap the trap and close the gate
Wait! I've got a better plan
To catch this big red lobster man
Let's pop him in a boiling pot
And when he's done we'll butter him up
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years
Then see if he talks
- The Nightmare Before Christmas. Random fact I noted from IMDB: the voice for Sally is provided by Kevin's mom from Home Alone. How rare!
My pictures from Hogmanay are up, such as they are. Most of them are from the train journey up, plus a few of Prill acting out her fantasies with Jim and Will T. Shocking behaviour. Tart :p
Went to the cinema today... the plan was to see Jarhead or something similarly acclaimed. However, the only thing that didn't require a 2 hour wait for the next screening was Get Rich or Die Tryin':
Will T has threatened never to forgive me. He also laughed for a considerable period. I thought it was actually quite good. The gratuitous violence did help, of course. *SPOILER* Not that you're likely to see it, but in addition to the anti-hero getting shot nine times and other shootings, there's dentistry with pliers and death by sword stick. */SPOILER* After the cinema it was on to China China for chinese buffet lunch. Jealous.
This evening I went to the 7pm rowing run again. Only two others joined me (Pest has an essay deadline tomorrow, everyone else might claim it's exam time) but we went anyway. Having done it when I had no idea how far we were going, it was much less of a mental obstacle than just knowing I had to go out and run 6 miles! It also felt easier to do this time, although we didn't do the sprints up the hill.
First, we're going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When he comes a-sniffing we will
Snap the trap and close the gate
Wait! I've got a better plan
To catch this big red lobster man
Let's pop him in a boiling pot
And when he's done we'll butter him up
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years
Then see if he talks
- The Nightmare Before Christmas. Random fact I noted from IMDB: the voice for Sally is provided by Kevin's mom from Home Alone. How rare!

Went to the cinema today... the plan was to see Jarhead or something similarly acclaimed. However, the only thing that didn't require a 2 hour wait for the next screening was Get Rich or Die Tryin':
This evening I went to the 7pm rowing run again. Only two others joined me (Pest has an essay deadline tomorrow, everyone else might claim it's exam time) but we went anyway. Having done it when I had no idea how far we were going, it was much less of a mental obstacle than just knowing I had to go out and run 6 miles! It also felt easier to do this time, although we didn't do the sprints up the hill.
You blooged? Bitch. You were meant to go to bed when I did. You SAID you were going to bed. Sneaky bastard. Notice you didn't put that train pic up?:S
Ooh, I might go see Jarhead next weekend. Or maybe Munich. I can't decide which. Hehe. I'm going to the cinema on my own. Isn't that shocking? Maybe Kaz m8'll wanna go? I've never even SEEN anyone go to the cinema on their own. I mean, is it very sad? Meh. Whatever.
That should read "blogged".
Yes. Very sad. Tragic, in fact.
Prill m8, I ALWAYS blog, because I'm even more tragic than you.
hehe. I went to see finding neverland on my own with a massive tub of ice cream.
Yes, it was sad.
But once I got past that it was kinda nice :P
omg he's actually been allowed to make a film????!
I shall see him sterilised before the decade is out.
Dude. go see tim burton's corpse bride. AMAAAZING and beautiful. AND THERE ARE SWIRLS... many..many..swirls... mmmmmmmmmm...
apologies for comment spamming, signed, n00b.
Ooh, I did actually want to go see the Corpse Bride. Alas, all the St Andwoo n00bs had something more interesting to do. Sigh. Think I might go see Munich. That should be good, right?
O-M-G. George bloody Hallowell, or whatever his bloody name is, is SUCH a WANKER. SOOO two-faced. Sorry, I'm watching Celeb BB.
HAHAHAHA. Yes. Galloway. Sounds like Hallowell.. Sort.. Of..
George Galloway...
Geri Halliwell...
Does "he" have ginger pigtails and wear a union jack dress?
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