The Grim Rapper
Quote of the moment:
Amerike's coat of arms can be seen in the Lord Mayor's Chapel on College Green in Bristol as part of the Poyntz crest, a relative having married into that wealthy, land-owning family.
- BBC History Article on a new theory claiming America was named after a Bristol merchant, whose Welsh surname Ap Meurig had become mangled into Richark Amerike (much as Poines became Poyntz).
How rare! That appeared when I googled Poyntz and "coat of arms"... triggered by looking for the Van Mildert College one. I only noticed last night that the shield that Vince has had as his messenger picture for ages doesn't actually have swords on, but scythe blades...

Met most of the rowing team in the union club tonight. The novice boat came 5th and the fresher boat (obvs meaning only novices in their 1st year) came 12th.
I returned to my flat about an hour and a half ago to discover that my room door was open and the lock was hanging off... apparently I left it unlocked when I nipped back in to dump my jacket before going out and one of Dai and Johnny's Welsh friends, merrily celebrating beating Australia, charitably slammed it shut. Unfortunately the actual moving lock part was out and when it hit the door frame the lock popped half off. D'oh!
Some crafty screwdriver work and application of the Mark 1 stamping device to straighten the backplate had it working again though, as well as sobering me up completely. I was so sober I did my stack of washing up. There's responsible, mature behaviour for you.
Amerike's coat of arms can be seen in the Lord Mayor's Chapel on College Green in Bristol as part of the Poyntz crest, a relative having married into that wealthy, land-owning family.
- BBC History Article on a new theory claiming America was named after a Bristol merchant, whose Welsh surname Ap Meurig had become mangled into Richark Amerike (much as Poines became Poyntz).
How rare! That appeared when I googled Poyntz and "coat of arms"... triggered by looking for the Van Mildert College one. I only noticed last night that the shield that Vince has had as his messenger picture for ages doesn't actually have swords on, but scythe blades...
Met most of the rowing team in the union club tonight. The novice boat came 5th and the fresher boat (obvs meaning only novices in their 1st year) came 12th.
I returned to my flat about an hour and a half ago to discover that my room door was open and the lock was hanging off... apparently I left it unlocked when I nipped back in to dump my jacket before going out and one of Dai and Johnny's Welsh friends, merrily celebrating beating Australia, charitably slammed it shut. Unfortunately the actual moving lock part was out and when it hit the door frame the lock popped half off. D'oh!
Some crafty screwdriver work and application of the Mark 1 stamping device to straighten the backplate had it working again though, as well as sobering me up completely. I was so sober I did my stack of washing up. There's responsible, mature behaviour for you.
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