Money, Money, It's What I Want...
Quote of the moment:
Average starting salary for graduates:
1. Medicine, £31,353
2. Dentistry, £26,236
3. Chemical engineering, £21,049
4. Vetinary medicine, £20,765
6. Nursing, £19,333
7. General engineering, £19,327
- The Times Good University Guide.
Hurrah! Considering that 3 out of 4 above civil engineering are uber-long courses, that's pretty schweet, especially given that unlike, for example, nursing, it keeps rising steadily upwards. My parents didn't believe me when I said I could make decent money as well as my sister! If my knee does pass muster, however, I'll be on £20k for the year of training followed by £24k after commissioning and £30k on becoming a captain, which is possible in 2 1/2 years from the commission date. B4D 4$$ :D
In the photo archives on the Camp Westmont site I recognised Tim, the previous camp-out counselor who was at the stall at the Director's Fair:

"Argh! I'm being swamped by Klingons!"
As you might have been able to tell from the retro title, I watched the classic Wedding Singer last night. Yes indeed, Drew Barrymore is a [prill]FITTIE[/prill] in that film.
Average starting salary for graduates:
1. Medicine, £31,353
2. Dentistry, £26,236
3. Chemical engineering, £21,049
4. Vetinary medicine, £20,765
6. Nursing, £19,333
7. General engineering, £19,327
- The Times Good University Guide.
Hurrah! Considering that 3 out of 4 above civil engineering are uber-long courses, that's pretty schweet, especially given that unlike, for example, nursing, it keeps rising steadily upwards. My parents didn't believe me when I said I could make decent money as well as my sister! If my knee does pass muster, however, I'll be on £20k for the year of training followed by £24k after commissioning and £30k on becoming a captain, which is possible in 2 1/2 years from the commission date. B4D 4$$ :D
In the photo archives on the Camp Westmont site I recognised Tim, the previous camp-out counselor who was at the stall at the Director's Fair:
"Argh! I'm being swamped by Klingons!"
As you might have been able to tell from the retro title, I watched the classic Wedding Singer last night. Yes indeed, Drew Barrymore is a [prill]FITTIE[/prill] in that film.
Hey, that Tim dude looks pretty fine;) God, I'm so shallow.. [roll eyes]
Lol... yes, lots of milk for me. I am actually having breakfast at the moment, which is rare.
Gotcha Prill m8... why else would I include it?! :p
You cant really see it int hat photo, but that guy has a massive boner going on.
HAHAHAHAHA. Rob m8! What the hell? You WOULD know though, wouldn't you;)
Yeah, you can't see it cos it's up the kid in the front of the picture. That's why he has such a peculiar expression on his face :p
If you're a brain surgeon, you earn 56K;) Jealous?
haha!! if i get into the army i would be earning 35K as a pre-registration house officer... and the only way fromt here is up!!
so i think that graduate salary owns the others..
:O 35K?! No WAY. Dude. Can I join the army? Not that I'd be fit enough..
Haha... You'd be a doctor, it wouldn't matter. You wouldn't be expected to take soldiers running, you'd just have to manage a basic fitness test every 6 months or so.
How else would Vicky cope?!
Note how I abstained from the obvious "It's ok, they allow ugly people like you in too, Prill m8!" line of humour?
I hope you're grateful...
:O How rude!
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